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dimanche 1 octobre 2017

Believe in yourself

Believe in yourself

Positive quotes
Love quotes
Motivation quotes

You are capable to do amazing things

1. Do not be afraid!

Self Confidence As soon as someone looks at you frankly, you look down or turn your head. Stop fleeing from the other! Communication does not only involve speech! The expressions, yours and those of your interlocutor, are important. Of course, do not exaggerate and do not stare at each other.

2. Recycle your fear!

You experience almost panic in new situations. Do not spend all your energy and thoughts trying to conceal your nervousness. On the contrary, try to transform it into actions: speak, go towards others ...

3. Create the contact!

Certainly, engaging the conversation with an unknown or even with your neighbor to palliate you seems insurmountable. Tell yourself that everyone is nervous when it comes to approaching a third party. Precisely, force yourself to create the contact instead of constantly seeking to avoid it. This should reassure you and allow you to find the best ways to build relationships.

4. Throw yourself into the water!

Take the plunge ! Do not hesitate to discover new environments and to make new experiences. Little by little you will be able to adapt to new contexts in no time!

5. Do not imitate!

Certainly, it may be useful to take someone who is always sure of himself as a role model. Nevertheless, this imitation has limits. Self-confidence manifests itself differently according to the personalities and style of each. So you can not copy your attitude on others. Look for your own way of expression.

6. I'm the best!

Repeat "I can get there" or "I'm the best"! Okay, positive thinking gives results to say the least random! But it costs nothing and can be paid for. Because sometimes it is enough of a small push to pass in the camp of the victors!

Happy life
Motivational quotes

By Bestyquotes

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