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lundi 11 septembre 2017

Top 5 motivators at work

Top 5 motivators at work

work motivation
work motivation

All roads that lead to SUCCESS have to pass through HARD WORK Boulevard AT SOME POINT

Employee motivation is a key factor in increasing staff productivity. Indeed, it is a key element of business success. However, in general, the predominant factors in motivation at work depend on the person and the orientation of the person. Explanations!
Motivation Today: Where Are We Now?
At work, motivation is often difficult! The process of motivation is a complex phenomenon. Numerous investigations have shown that several factors may have contributed to this.
Motivation has never been so important in managerial discourse. Yet, paradoxically, it has never been so lacking as it is today.
Demotivation can be brought closer to other concepts such as ill-being, stress ... It has become a priority problem that needs to be addressed quickly.
Note: the company can obviously influence the motivation of the employees and it is thanks to it that the latter can live.
Moreover, the place of employees evolves within the company. A motivated employee at work has a very positive behavior and activity for the company.
However, a company's success is not just about its bottom line. The latter must find new ways to attract and retain its employees.
Note: each person has a motivating device of his own!
The main sources of motivation
If they want the company to remain viable, managers must motivate employees. The latter must adapt their language, modify their management mode if necessary, but also improve their communication.  

Here are the main motivators at work: 
It is a classic lever and an incontestable motivator. However, it must have a lasting impact on the motivation of employees.
Remuneration is not the only thing that can motivate an employee. This may also be a motivator as well as demotivation. One thing is certain: an adequate incentive system must be put in place.
Culture and business plan:
It is really one of the elements that will allow the employee to invest and especially to last in the company. Being interested in the different projects allows you to give yourself in depth!
Labor conditions:
For example, enjoying a certain amount of autonomy in everyday life is a source of motivation for the employee. Just like being able to work in beautiful premises or even have flexible schedules.

Management and Communication:
These two elements are very important in the motivation process. Indeed, a manager who communicates allows employees to have a clear vision. Motivating through social dialogue is undeniable! Indeed, the limitation of conflicts and the facilitation of dialogue contribute to the well-being of the employee. The latter will be much more invested and motivated.
The development of professional skills:
Increasing knowledge, for example through tutoring or training, will allow the employee to evolve within the company, to be more autonomous but also more efficient.
Positive quotes

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